Thursday, August 13, 2009


in high school i loved my teachers and i have a close relationship will basically all of them. so i was crushed when i found out the college professor don't care about any of their students. but being in college i have discovered that it's not true. so far my professors have been very nice to me and have been alot of help. thay had personalities and they were funny. im excited to see how my fall semester professors are and if there mean i'll just suck up to them by going to their office hours. lol =D
I've also learned that having friends in college does help. i think friends are important to me because they keep me sane. i love to talk and have fun and i'd go crazy if i didn't have someone to talk to. my friends also remind me about asignments that are due, like this blog assignment i forgot about until someone reminded me. oopps. but al teast im getting in done now. friends in college will also help me to not get burned out. i told myself that i'm in college to do my work and nothing more but i have learned that too much work would help me to go down more thatn up. so i've decided to make a balance between the two. I want/have to graudate from college and if having fun and still studying will help then that's what i will do.

my greatest challenge to staying in college for me in studying!!!!!! i never study for anything! in high school i've probably studied for one test and that's it. i think i could have done better if i actually tried harder and studied to get a better grade. in college i'll be forced to study or i won't do well. to help that i planed to stay on campus to do my work because i know i'll et distracted and not focus on my work. i will also surround myself with other peers who need and want to study because those people will help me stay on track. i think studying is the only problem i will really have in college. i do my work and i finish assignments(if i remmeber lol) i just don;t study and i try to wing the test. but that will change when fall semester comes around.

i just thought of anther one MONEY!!!! haha im so poorr!! i don't want to be a starving college kid. hopefully that doesn't happen. even tho i didn't want to get a job in college i know i'll have to. and lucky i got work study so i'm trying to find a job on campus. =)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hi, My name is Ashley Haughton and I reside in San Marcos, Ca. I was born in Monterey, Ca and I lived there for about 2 years. Then I was adopted and moved to Oceanside, Ca. Oceanside is my favorite city so far! All my best memories happened in that city. Unfortunately things didn't work out with my adopted mom, after that I became apart of the foster care system. After a whole bunch of moving around I FINALLY landed with my current foster parents here in San Marcos. They are amazing parents, but they are parents and they get on my nerves. lol I attended San Marcos High School. I loved my school because mostly all my friends from middle school went to my high school. I had amazing teachers that I could talk to, and the sports were fun even though we weren't very good. I also loved the campus atmosphere, there wasn't really a social class. Everyone got alone with basically anyone. I enjoy making art in my spare time. My secret Hollywood crush is Tom Hanks!!! He is a great actor and I love every movie that he had a role in. Even though he's around 53 I still love him. One thing i like most about myself is my artistic ability. Ilike this ability because i can make art for other people and share my talent. My major is graphic Deisgn or anything that has to do with art, as you can probably tell by now I'm an art freak. lol My biggest fear about college is my study habits, I don't study at all so I need to start teaching myself to study. I'm also afraid that i won't do good in any of my classes and I'll become to relax or distracted. If i could do anything in my life i would become the world's greatest artist. i would make wonderful art that sold around the world.